Az ajtón túl

  • Egyesült Királyság The Other Side of the Door
Előzetes 1
Egyesült Királyság / Egyesült Államok / India, 2016, 96 perc


A családi boldogságot tragédia zúzza szét. Maria elveszíti a kisfiát. A vigasztalhatatlan anya tudomást szerez az ősi rituáléról, mely lehetővé teszi, hogy végleg elbúcsúzhasson halott gyermekétől. Az ókori templomhoz utazik, ahol titokzatos szertartással megnyílik az átjáró a halottak és az élők világa között. A figyelmeztetéssel mit sem törődve Maria kinyitja a kaput, és ezzel felborítja az egyensúlyt élet és halál között. A gonosz erők figyelme így Maria másik gyermekére, Lucyra terelődik. (HBO Europe)


Recenziók (3)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Oh God, this was some bullshit! The locations of India aren’t going to get too boring in a horror movie, but everything else is a blatant disaster. Mom lives with her husband in India. She is struck by a catastrophe and even though she saves one child, the second one dies in her arms. Consequently, some Indian woman appears, and she knows about a place where she can say goodbye to her son. It is a monastery in the middle of a jungle with a door to the land of the dead. If she scatters the ashes during the day, her child will appear during the night behind the door. The catch is that she cannot open the door so as not to let the corpses into the land of the living. And, of course, she opens the door. At that moment the spirit of her child follows her across half the globe like a stench and haunts her until fainting. Her fainting, or the viewer. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A white western cow is in a spiritual mood after the death of her son in India, and in a séance when she meets him for the last time she does the one shitty thing she was told not to do. As a result, an hour filled with nervous twists interspersed with a thump, thump, thump here and there to sort of scare you, because that's how you make a horror movie these days. The only glimmers of quality come from Aja from the producer’s chair, in the form of two masks and a number for Javier Botet. The rest of it is complete toilet fodder. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I must admit, their effort to scare at times actually worked, and I found myself getting chills. And it didn't even have to be a monster scene. Sure, it's heavily reliant on the effect, essentially just for the effect, but at least in that regard, the movie works. However, the failure to effectively utilize the creatively designed monsters that came from the other side is a problem that lowers the movie for me, although it remains slightly above average. ()