Tito marsall szelleme

(fesztivál filmcím)
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A horvát tengerpart egy kis szigetén egy öreg veterán temetése során megjelenik Tito marsall szelleme. Az elképesztő hír hamar szárnyra kap, s a szigetet hamarosan veteránok, titkos ügynökök, rendőrök, narkósok, nacionalisták hada árasztja el. A polgármester, aki egyben a sziget egyetlen szállodájának is tulajdonosa, beindítja a "szocialista szellemi turizmust", míg a partizánok a maguk részéről újra megnyitják a szocialista forradalom helyi múzeumát és leporolják régi uniformisaikat... (Európa Filmhét)


Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Probably the best comedy dealing with the phenomenon of post-communism that has been made so far. Unlike the much better-known Good bye, Lenin, it is not based on a single good idea, but on a series of absurd, well-pointed situations and lines. It is filled with a number of bizarre characters portrayed, of course, by unfamiliar yet very good actors. The film is accompanied by music with lively, typically Balkan melodies. The humor does not have that harmless, friendly Hřebejk-like dimension, it is much more sarcastic and venomous: "And what about the hotel, Mr. Mayor? I privatized it. And what about the museum? I privatized that too. It shouldn't just deteriorate here. I bought it cheaply - you know, I don't have money to spare." Vinko Bresan's comedy can be characterized by the slogan THE BEST OF CAPITALISM AND COMMUNISM - moreover, in a sympathetic and original package. In the second half of the film, the torrent of jokes and lines slackens, but it still deserves 5 stars. Overall impression 90%. ()