Én a vízilovakkal vagyok

Kaland / Vígjáték / Akció
Olaszország, 1979, 92 perc (Alternatív 100 perc)


Tom Afrikába szervez szafarikat külföldi vadászoknak. Így nem örül túlságosan fivére megjelenésének, aki önkéntes állatvédő. Slim tönkre is teszi az üzletét, amikor egyetlen lövéssel defektessé teszi testvére dzsipjét. Tom a tóban, a vízilovak közt köt ki. Ekkora sérelem pedig nem maradhat megtorlatlanul, ám a testvérháború helyett közös ellenségük, a kapzsi állatkereskedő és cinkosai ellen egyesítik erőiket... (TV2)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Sure, movies with this duo are starting to repeat themselves a little when you see more of them, but they just fit together so perfectly, especially when they tease each other a bit. It's usually from Terence Hill's side, but they have nothing to reproach each other for. The African setting is somewhat nice here, although a bit straightforward. Nevertheless, it's entertaining. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I really liked this crazy duo back in the day - when I was around 9-10 years old. Their movies perfectly corresponded to my mental development and idea of entertainment. Therefore, I evaluate their films with a great deal of leniency, although from an adult's perspective, it is somewhat one-dimensional and very simple filmmaking. I didn't see the Hippopotamus in Africa back then, so there is a bit less nostalgia, and the uniformity of gags, lack of story, and overall infantility stand out even more. Nevertheless, it is still Bud Spencer and Terence Hill, so they earn two stars and contribute to 35% of the overall impression. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Bud Spencer and Terence Hill certainly have better, but also worse movies. I'm for the Hippopotamus is a better average with a few memorable scenes, of which I personally most like the unconventional final fight, which is not a group fight, but rather a one-on-one fight - and that one is Bud Spencer. ()

Galéria (13)