Az ifjú Messiás

Előzetes 1


Jézus hétesztendős, az egyiptomi Alexandriában él édesanyjával, Máriával és földi apjával, Józseffel. Heródes halála után József jelet kap az angyaltól, hogy elérkezett az idő a visszatérésre, ezért a Szent Család felkerekedik, és József testvérével és annak családjával útra kelnek Názáretbe. Az útjuk során sok viszontagságon mennek keresztül, és az egyre inkább cseperedő Jézus lassacskán ráébred valódi küldetésére. (MTVA)


Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol My relationship with Anne Rice's work shows a certain ambivalence. Outside of "The Vampire Chronicles," she chooses themes that are varied but always puts her entire heart into each text. Her work has something for everyone, but probably few readers will find all of it appealing. She wrote "Interview with the Vampire" as therapy after experiencing the pain of her daughter's untimely death from leukemia. "The Young Messiah," for a change, is the result of the crisis of faith she underwent decades later. As if nothing could be further away. Yet these novels are among her most successful and have spawned some of her best adaptations to date. The Young Messiah is a beautiful film for inner meditation and dialogue. It's worthy of attention. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I don't like biblical films that try to portray Christianity as a great religion and how it's possible to find "deep" stories essentially in every day of Jesus Christ's life. To me, it simply looks like propaganda that is just trying to reinforce the beliefs of an American population that is already quite fanatical in places. ()