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  • Egyesült Államok So Undercover (több)


Molly Moris (Miley Cyrus) profi ügynök, akit felbérel az FBI egy speciális ügyre. Be kell épülnie egy iskolai lányszövetségbe, hogy megvédje a hírhedt gengszter veszélybe került lányát a bandák közötti leszámolástól. Molly elvállalja az egyszerűnek tűnő feladatot, ami hajmeresztő kihívásokkal lepi meg. Először is, úgy kell kinéznie, mint egy normális lánynak, aki magassarkúban jár, sminkeli magát és cukin beszél. (Filmcafe)


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angol No, I won't lie. Miley Cyrus definitely won't be my favorite young star. Her expression is as pleasant as a broken rib, and generally, her behavior doesn't suit me. I mean her acting. I don't care about what she does in her free time. Her acting is of the annoying foul-mouthed girl type, which isn't exactly the path to becoming a star. I do understand her a little though. She wants to break free from the shadow of "Hannah Montana". I just think that she won't succeed with similar movies. She just blends into the average actresses, who may pass visually, but don't showcase any great acting skills. However, they think it's more than enough because their paychecks look better than my overall income for a year on a tax return. More: ()

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