Wildlife Photographers

Franciaország, 2008, 52 perc


French photographers Christine and Michele Denis-Huot have made wildlife photography their career and life. This married couple alternates between their home in Le Havre, France and a wildlife reserve in Kenya. Offering glimpses into all aspects of their calling, the couple speaks candidly of their work as video cameras follow them in Wildlife Photographers from France to Africa under the talented direction of Jean-Thomas Renaud.

Making a film about photography is an interesting undertaking, and Renaud successfully captures the sequence of images being taken in a rapid, shutter-like clicking as the Denis-Huot's snap their way through the scenes of carnivorous frenzy and familial affection that their animal subjects provide. The landscape is breathtaking, and the scenes of animal activity fascinating.

Truly, the Denis-Huot's are as much hunters as they are photographers. They stalk their prey, lying in wait for hours at a time, waiting for the serendipitous conditions of lighting, activity, and angle to combine to make photos worthy of publishing. They also motor towards scenes of activity, jumping from their vehicle and taking photos in a flurry of motion as exciting panoramas unfold before their lenses. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)
