Műkincs hajsza

  • Hong Kong Shi er sheng xiao (több)

Streaming (1)


Aasian Hawk (Jackie Chan), a rettenthetetlen szerencsevadász csapata élén felkerekedik, hogy visszaszerezze azt a tucatnyi, felbecsülhetetlen értékű fejszobrot, melyeket a kínai zodiákus 12 állatáról mintázták, és melyeket az 1800-as években loptak el a pekingi Nyári Palotából. A szédületes hajsza során Hawk és csapata a világ majd minden szögletébe eljut Franciaország gyönyörű borvidékeitől kezdve egy aktív vulkán tűzforró oldaláig, és semmi sem állíthatja meg őket abban, hogy teljesítsék feladatukat. (Select Video)


Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A bit of a strange, action-packed nonsense. A shame that one of Jackie’s stories went astray (we find this summed up in one sentence delivered by a TV presenter) and he began copying from the putrescent and decadent west. The Indy inspiration is obvious (if unconvincing), but what were the Pirates of the Caribbean doing there? And they could have easily just cut out the multi-lingual tomfoolery with the cow from France and Coco. The speed-skating intro is marvelous, but the search for the boat somewhere in the jungle was just boring. The most effective part of the movie remains the part at the forger’s with the awesome fight on the sofa. And while we’re talking about fights, there is a criminal shortage of them here. A shame that Jackie didn’t return more to his roots for the last time. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is the movie for which Jackie Chan refused a role in "Expendables 2". The question arises whether it was really worth it for him. True, the attention is mainly focused on him and he can basically do whatever he wants, since he even directed and participated in the screenplay, but I simply feel that his dream project is just another one among many and not something significantly special. I regret a little that Jackie Chan chose this project, on the other hand, his fans will probably still be satisfied. Well, I hope Sly hasn't turned against him and that Jackie will appear in "Expendables 3". More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2013/02/chinese-zodiac-2012-60.html ()