Golod 33

Szovjetunió / Ukrajna, 1991, 115 perc


The Reds are sweeping across the country, seizing anything edible that farmers may still harbour. Images of hunger, death and violence alternate in colour, black and white and sepia. At the centre of the story stands a peasant family attempting to resist. Through their fate, we experience the “Red Hunger” and “life stripped bare”: empty eyes, famished faces, the living dead. The starving present is juxtaposed with visions of a well-fed past. Famine 33 treats one of the darkest chapters and greatest taboo subjects of Soviet history: the Holodomor, as the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33 is known, which claimed the lives of millions of individuals. (goEast - Festival des mittel- und osteuropäischen Films)

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