De tre musketerer

  • Egyesült Államok The Three Musketeers
Dánia / Lettország, 2005, 74 perc


This energetic, humorous and adventurous interpretation of the classic novel by Alexander Dumas tells us about the righteous young D'Artagnan who after being taught the art of fencing from his father leaves Gascogne for Paris to become one of King Louis 13th, musketeers.

On his way to Paris his introduction letter to the musketeers, is stolen by cardinal guarders. Arriving in Paris he at once offends the three musketeers Aramis, Porthos and Athos and has to duel with them one by one. The duel is interrupted by the cardinals guards who want to arrest the musketeers since duel is illegal. D'Artagnan takes side with the musketeers and together they win this first battle and become friends. Together they continue to fight against the power-seeking Cardinal and his guards, who want to compromise the King and the British Duke of Buckingham who is madly in love with the Queen. With the help of the musketeers and the beautiful Mrs Bonacieux, D'Artagnan manages to save the honour of the Queen, defeat the cardinal and he becomes one of the King's musketeers. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


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