
Robert Law and J. C. Benson, two Hollywood screenwriters, are assigned to write a story for cowboy star, Larry Toms, but nothing they write pleases producer C. Elliott Friday. While they argue, Susie, a divorced waitress, delivers lunch. Inspired by her pregnancy, Benson and Law suggest they do a western in which Larry finds a lone baby in a variation on the classic Hollywood story: Boy Meets Girl, Boy Loses Girl, Boy Gets Girl. Larry protests, but the producer likes the idea, and they all rush from the room to take the idea to the top, leaving Susie alone. Rodney Bevan, an English actor, arrives to wait for Friday's return. He and Susie talk and flirt a little, but the conversation ends when the writers return. Benson and Law suggest that they sign Susie's soon-to-be-born baby, Happy, to a contract, which will place them, as his godfathers, in control. Happy's success allows Susie to attend high school, her secret ambition. Because of Happy's popularity, Larry's agent encourages him to marry Susie, but Law breaks up their engagement by having Rodney claim to be Happy's father. Back at the studio, Susie announces that Happy has come down with the measles and, as they soon find out, has given them to Larry. While they recover, Benson, Law and Happy are all fired. Benson and Law scheme successfully to get Friday to re-sign Happy and fire Larry. Then Rodney bursts into Friday's office to ask Susie to marry him. She refuses at first, because of her bad luck with her first marriage, but finally she agrees. Friday is furious because Rodney, the son of an English lord, wants to take Happy to England, but when he learns that his own wife is pregnant, he realizes that Happy's replacement is on the way. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)



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