Bihisht faqat baroi murdagon

  • Oroszország Чтобы попасть в рай, ты должен умереть (több)
Tádzsikisztán / Oroszország / Franciaország / Németország, 2006, 90 perc


Starring Khurched Golibekov as the sullen, wide-eyed Kamal, who has been married for a few months, but is unable to consummate his marriage. Learning that there is nothing physically wrong with him after visiting a doctor, Kamal sets off to the city in an attempt to cure impotence. With his child-like, country-boy naivete, he struggles to meet anyone until a chance encounter on a bus when he picks up a young married Russian factory worker. This accidental meeting takes him on a far more troubling and darker journey than he was counting on. (Trinity Filmed Entertainment)
