Itt vagyunk

(fesztivál filmcím)
Szlovákia, 2005, 76 perc


Jaroslav Vojtek


Marek Leščák
(további alkotók)


After the Second World War, the Krnac family moved from Central Slovakia to Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia. After it became a part of USSR they were, according to Kruschcev decree, violently moved to a village named Balgarka in the steppes of Kazakhstan. They had spent over 40 years there. After the break-up of the Soviet Union they decided to come back to Europe. In the autumn of 2000 the family of Dimitrj Kiossyia leaves their home in the steppe and heads for the land of their ancestors - Slovakia. However, a new beginning brings more disappointment than joy. Until then strong bonds within a family, they now begin to crumble. It is mainly the family elders who feel uprooted and more and more ponder the life they left behind in Kazakhstan. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


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