
The darkest of the filmic trilogy that unites husband and wife Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan, "Flesh and Bone" is a grimly affecting tale of two lonely lives, one unexpectedly, dramatically affected by the other. Quaid is the tragic Arlis, condemned to running away from memories of his horrific childhood. His is a life on the road, replenishing vending machines including one with a live chicken and predictions of the future. Ryan's unhappily wed Kay fears a past that Arlis is inextricably tied to. Still, they're drawn to each other. Then Arlis's father, the amoral Roy (an appropriately frightening James Caan), shows up and interferes and intervenes. Joining Roy is the benignly malevolent Ginnie (a sharp Gwyneth Paltrow in her first significant role). (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)



Flesh and Bone

Flesh and Bone

Music from the Motion Picture

Kiadta: La-La Land Records

Év: 2022

Ország: Egyesült Államok

Formátum: CD

Felvétel: 01:01:12

Megjegyzések: Limited edition.

1. SCORE PRESENTATION: Hinge (Main Title) Thomas Newman 01:38
2. Blue Dimes Thomas Newman 00:59
3. Ginnie Steals Ring / Twenty Thomas Newman 01:21
4. Elliot Tone / Diner / Ginnie By Thomas Newman 01:32
5. Two Ride Together Thomas Newman 00:52
6. Pudge's Warehouse / Gypsy Grandma Thomas Newman 01:32
7. Moments / Talkin' To Rosie Thomas Newman 01:11
8. Lazy J Thomas Newman 01:48
9. Activity Thomas Newman 01:16
10. Steal You Blind / Horses / Pond Thomas Newman 02:50
11. Star-Crossed Thomas Newman 01:22
12. Sink / First Picture / Flesh & Bone Thomas Newman 03:14
13. Departures Thomas Newman 01:07
14. Ghosts / The Picture Thomas Newman 02:15
15. The People In The Picture / Separation Thomas Newman 01:42
16. Elliot Thomas Newman 01:07
17. Sour Fortune Thomas Newman 01:21
18. Surprise (Film Version) Thomas Newman 03:44
19. Arlis Arrives Thomas Newman 00:38
20. Baby Kay / That Sound Thomas Newman 01:30
21. Reckoning / Bruise (Film Version) Thomas Newman 05:59
22. Everything He Told You (End Title) Thomas Newman 02:45
23. BONUS TRACKS: Hinge (Main Title) (Alternate Mix) Thomas Newman 01:38
24. Twenty (Alternate) Thomas Newman 00:54
25. Diner / Ginnie By (Alternate) Thomas Newman 00:48
26. The Ride Together (Alternate) Thomas Newman 01:01
27. Activity (Alternate) Thomas Newman 01:18
28. Sink (Album Mix) Thomas Newman 00:56
29. Departures (Alternate) Thomas Newman 01:07
30. Ghosts (Alternate) Thomas Newman 01:25
31. Surprise (Alternate Mix) Thomas Newman 03:44
32. Baby Kay (Album Mix) Thomas Newman 00:48
33. Bruise (Alternate) Thomas Newman 03:13
34. Bruise (Album Mix) Thomas Newman 02:37
Flesh and Bone

Flesh and Bone

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Kiadta: Varèse Sarabande

Év: 1993

Ország: Egyesült Államok

Formátum: CD, digital

Felvétel: 40:15

1. Hinge Thomas Newman 01:23
2. Blue Dimes Thomas Newman 00:56
3. Crackerland Thomas Newman 00:45
4. Gypsy Grandma Thomas Newman 00:55
5. "Sometimes You Just Can't Win" - George Jones 02:41
6. Baby Kay Thomas Newman 00:47
7. Sink Thomas Newman 00:48
8. Reckoning Thomas Newman 02:59
9. The Picture Thomas Newman 00:56
10. Moments Thomas Newman 00:51
11. Horses Thomas Newman 01:23
12. "Blue Moon Revisited" - The Cowboy Junkies 04:28
13. Flesh & Bone Thomas Newman 01:31
14. Two Ride Together Thomas Newman 00:52
15. Surprise Thomas Newman 03:30
16. Cicadas Thomas Newman 00:39
17. Ghosts Thomas Newman 00:41
18. Star-Crossed Thomas Newman 01:21
19. "Stardust" - Willie Nelson 03:51
20. Twenty Thomas Newman 00:53
21. The People In The Picture Thomas Newman 01:14
22. Lazy J Thomas Newman 01:47
23. Bruise Thomas Newman 02:22
24. Everything He Told You (End Title) Thomas Newman 02:42
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