
Director Dante Tomaselli merges two disturbing storylines in this visually arresting chiller. The first involves a band of five teens that escape from a drug rehabilitation center to cash in on a questionable promise of salvation from the psychopathic Reverend Salo, Jr. (Vincent Lamberti). Leader of the pack, Luck (Danny Lopes), fueled by hallucinogens, transports the gang to the reverend's isolated house where the second plot is evolving. Here lives Grace (Lizzy Mahon), Salo, Jr.'s daughter, whom he and his equally bizarre wife (Christie Sanford) have enslaved through forced drug addiction and psychic brainwashing. Grace's only salvation appears to be the guidance of her paternal grandfather, Reverend Salo, Sr. (The Amazing Kreskin). But hope is quickly jeopardized when it is revealed that Salo, Sr.'s comforting visitations are from beyond the grave. It is through Grace's visions of her grandfather that she learns of her parent's demonic pastimes: abduction, murder, and worse. This is a nightmarish universe where nothing is what it seems. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


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