Egyesült Államok,
1998, 100 perc
Elvis RestainoForgatókönyvíró:
George SaundersOperatőr:
George MooradianZeneszerző:
Alex WurmanSzereplők:
Daniel Bernhardt, Lisa Stothard, Stefanos Miltsakakis, Nikolai Binev, Mike Kirton, Dennis LaValle, Michael Krawic, Jeff Moldovan, Derek McGrath (több)Tartalmak(1)
When martial arts expert-and-cop John Keller infiltrates death row to uncover the truth behind the execution of several inmates, he joins the ranks of prisoners forced to fight in battles staged for pleasure by a sadistic Warden (Darek McGrath). The best fighters are turned over to Caesar, an eccentric underworld madman. In Caesar's secret playground, Keller discovers that he must compete in an ancient Japanese event of Kumite, where fighters from different martial arts backgrounds battle for survival. But instead of fighting for honor, Caesar's Kumite is a spectacle of violence and death aimed at entertaining the most bloodthirsty of audiences. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)