
Jeremy Bradford, the captain of a luxury ocean liner, spends his four-day vacation with his sixteen-year-old daughter Polly, who studies and resides at Miss Fenmoor's school. Polly adores her loving father, and her schoolmates are jealous of her close relationship to him. One evening, Jeremy takes Polly to the opera Aida , which stars Olaf Erickson and soprano Zita Romanka. Polly, an aspiring opera singer, is envious of Olaf's singing abilities and dreams of the day when she will be admired for her singing. During the concert, Jeremy tells Polly that Olaf and Zita will be traveling aboard his ship on its next voyage to Rio de Janiero. Polly desperately wants to join her father on the cruise, but Jeremy rejects her pleas, insisting that she remain in school, and returns to his ship. The ship's passenger list includes Laura Dene, a young bride-to-be whose wedding was called off at the last moment. Though the ship is fully booked, Laura's fiancée, Charles G. K. Worton, secretly makes arrangements with Jeremy to sail with Laura. A short time after the ship leaves port, Denis Mulvy, a young officer, tells Jeremy that a stowaway has been found. When Jeremy discovers that the stowaway is Polly, he decides to teach her a lesson by ostracizing her and forcing her to perform hard labor in the ship's kitchen. Polly responds to her father's actions by disowning him and calling herself "Polly Murphy." Later, in the ship's dining room, while dining with the captain, Olaf finds a note in his meal from Polly stating that the potatoes were personally peeled by the captain's daughter. Jeremy is infuriated by the prank, and when he enters the galley to scold Polly, he finds her leading the kitchen staff in a musical dance. Jeremy immediately removes his daughter from the kitchen and places her to work scrubbing floors. Polly eventually meets Olaf and tells him that he is her personal "Sinatra." When Polly meets Laura, she tells her that she is a stowaway and that she is being mistreated by the captain. Laura is shocked by Polly's remarks and agrees to speak to the captain and demand that he improve her conditions. Jeremy does not tell Laura that Polly is his daughter, and Laura is mystified by his unwillingness to reconsider Polly's punishment. Jeremy, however, eventually tires of the ruse and tells Laura the truth about Polly. While a romance develops between Jeremy and Laura, Charles, who has not yet made his presence aboard the ship known to Laura, tells Polly that he is determined to marry his fiancée. Laura later discusses her engagement with Jeremy, and tells him she does not know whether she really loves Charles. Polly sees Charles and Laura kiss, and realizing that her father is in love with Laura, is saddened. After making amends with her father, Polly confides her sorrows in Olaf, who invites her to sing a duet with him at the next shipboard concert. Later, when Laura tells Polly that she does not love Charles and does not intend to continue a romance with him, Polly happily resumes her efforts to match her father with Laura. Polly's plan eventually succeeds, as she discovers when she sees her father kissing Laura. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


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