

The story centers on Shun Tokinoya, a second-year high school living with his mother and younger sister. After his father's death in an accident and his sister's injury, he quit the game he was passionate about, and now works at an esports café called "FOX ONE." He spends all his time studying and working part-time while hanging out with his childhood gaming friends. Suddenly, he learns that "FOX ONE" has a huge amount of debts. In order to repay the debts, Shun and his friends aim to win the "Xaxerion Championship" and win the prize money. With a sense of guilt, Shun jumps back into the world of online games, and is confronted by Bakuretsu-kun, who used to play the game with him. (Crunchyroll)


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angol Let me share a simple piece of advice: when creating an anime centered on pro gaming or video games in general, make sure that the depicted video game doesn't look like a complete disaster. I'm genuinely curious if there's anyone among the viewers of Protocol: Rain who will unironically express a desire to play the shooter game around which the series revolves. Another piece of advice: if you're stuck with a subpar video game and have no plans to improve it, consider minimizing its on-screen presence for the audience. It wasn't just the video game that turned me off; the series itself didn't strike me as particularly engaging. It failed to sell the concept of pro gaming to me and instead felt like another run-of-the-mill sports anime following a group of underdogs on their journey to the top. None of the characters managed to captivate me, and I didn't feel that the series delved into their personalities in a deeper or more intriguing manner. The cliché scene where the main character literally breaks into the main heroine's room, catching her in her negligee, was the tipping point that convinced me this wouldn't offer anything unique. For me, it's a drop after episode 4, earning a maximum rating of 3.5/10. ()