
  • Egyesült Királyság Chariots of Fire (több)
Előzetes 2


A film, amely igaz történetet mesél el, két megszállott futó vérre menő küzdelméről szól. Ők képviselik Angliát az 1924-es párizsi olimpián, s miután a futás mindkettőjük számára az életet jelenti, így küzdelmeik során hihetetlen indulatoknak és ellentéteknek lehetünk szemtanúi. Varázslatos és felemelő képsorokban kísérhetjük végig e két csodás sportember elszánt, bátor harcát a személyes és az olimpiai diadalért. A film minden korosztály számára feledhetetlen élményt nyújt. (MTVA)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A mildly old-fashioned, well-made and told film about the power of the human spirit and sport as a symbol of humanity, solidarity, friendship, and homage to God. The content has depth, that can't be denied, it’s narrated in an old-fashioned way, but it has very little in common with reality. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Although I have once again searched diligently and patiently, for the umpteenth time I have failed to find the reason the academics argued for when choosing this film as an Oscar winner. I'm not saying that Chariots of Fire is an ordinary or mediocre film, but in its field of sports dramas about the road to the top, it's neither unique nor surprising. For me, unfortunately, it was a rather boring and routine experience, whose monotony is occasionally broken only by Vangelis' amazing music (here the Oscar is well deserved) and Ian Holm's performance. If the film were made today, Usain Bolt in the lead role would certainly be a considerable boost :-) 60% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I won't remember anything else from this movie but the music and the beautifully slowed-down shots of running human bodies, but even if I were to only remember that, the movie was worth it. The musical and visual aspects are so well balanced here, I simply can't help it - I enjoyed the film and it entertained me to watch and listen to it. Vangelis is a synthesizer genius. ()