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Recenziók (1 697)


Seiken gakuin no maken cukai (2023) (sorozat) 

angol The premise is intriguing, but the execution falls short. It feels like a mishmash of several popular anime tropes, blending elements of reincarnation, special academy, and a fantasy world filled with swords and magic. Ever wondered what would happen if a former hero turned demon lord from an average fantasy story reincarnated as an eleven-year-old boy in a world with average sci-fi elements? Picture a special academy at the heart of it all, where humanity battles unknown creatures aboard giant mobile ships/cities. The setup sounds promising, the original fantasy storyline offers some unpredictability and showcases unexpected character development for the main protagonist. What kept me engaged was the interplay between the fantasy past and the sci-fi present, unraveling the mysteries behind these two storylines. However, it wasn't handled very well. The series struggles to convey the mystery effectively, especially when compared to other anime like Dead Mount Death Play, which successfully blends unrelated worlds. Additionally, the characters come across as overly stereotypical, lacking depth and failing to foster interesting interactions. Instead, the series relies too heavily on unnecessary fanservice, centered around an average harem and an eleven-year-old boy in whose body there is an adult demon lord, making it look rather silly and awkward. While the animation is passable at best, the music stands out as a positive aspect. Did I enjoy it? Not particularly, but the strong hook of the storyline keeps me curious about what will happen next in this world of fantasy past and sci-fi present. Despite its shortcomings, the compelling premise leaves me willing to give a potential second season a chance. However, the first season doesn't earn more than a 5.1/10 from me.


Houkago no Breath (2023) (sorozat) 

angol While I haven't been keeping up with Pokémon lately, I found myself drawn to this anime thanks to its stellar production values. Both the animation studio WiT and the music composer Kevin Penkin delivered top-notch work. Although the world and characters didn't particularly engage me, I still appreciated the creative camerawork, fluid animation, breathtaking panoramas, and vibrant visuals. It was a visually captivating spectacle that appealed not only to Pokémon fans but also to anime enthusiasts in general. Overall, I'd give it a solid 7/10.


Dekoboko madžo no ojako džidžó (2023) (sorozat) 

angol I gave the first two episodes a shot, but unfortunately, the series didn't click with me. The biggest issue with any comedy is that it just didn't make me laugh. Coupled with the rather episodic storyline, which didn't seem to have any deeper layers, and characters who, despite being well-designed, failed to make me root for them, there's little motivation for me to continue watching. I dropped it after the second episode and I'm leaving it unrated.


Hilda - Season 3 (2023) (évad) 

angol It's about fairies, friends, and family...The third season of Hilda pleasantly surprised me, as I thought the series was concluded with Hilda and the Mountain King, and I couldn't imagine where the story could go from there. However, I clearly underestimated the creativity of the authors, because this season does not lag behind the previous ones, it is equally magical, emotional, and interesting. I learned a lot about Hilda's family, I liked the main story revolving around the mysterious elves, but I also enjoyed the individual standalone episodes (especially The Forgotten Lake), which complemented this season, and the last episode, which was over an hour long, managed to touch me deeply. In short, another excellent experience and another strong 4* - 8.3/10.


Seišun buta jaró wa odekake sister no jume o minai (2023) 

angol Out of all the works in the "Rascal Does Not Dream..." series, this one has the least supernatural elements. It primarily revolves around Kaede's quest for a new school following the events of the series, and her journey is far from easy. I like how the film portrays her efforts to stand on her own two feet supported by those around her. Instead of focusing on the supernatural, it delves deeper into psychological and life dramas, which prove to be engaging and at times quite intense. However, it falls short compared to other installments in the series, with fewer sarcastic, witty and entertaining dialogues than expected. While the animation is well-executed, the music didn't leave a significant impression on me. 7.5/10


Boku no Hero Academia: UA Heroes Battle (2023) 

angol Is it an OVA? An advertisement? Nope, it's just the UA students getting a bit bored and deciding to play a children's card game... It's an average special, serving as a nice teaser for the upcoming seventh season. The "card battles" are decently animated and sometimes entertaining, which saves it from being completely average. I'd give it at least a 5.5/10.


Onmyoji (2023) (sorozat) 

angol Onmyoji is one of those series that falls somewhere in the middle for me – it neither excites nor disappoints, catering mainly to viewers with an affinity for Eastern mysticism with its Oni, talismans, Shiki, sutras, and who knows what else. I found the first half more engaging, as it delved into various supernatural mysteries and explored the darker aspects of human nature with the theme of "a demon hiding within each of us." However, the second half, which presented a single overarching story, didn't hold my interest as strongly. The motivation of the local demon felt lacking, making it perhaps the weakest aspect of the series thus far. SPOILER ALERT Plus, the series morphed into an incredible bromance, emphasizing the power of friendship to overcome all obstacles. Given the presence of demons, darkness, betrayal, and envy, the upbeat ending felt somewhat underwhelming and unfulfilling. END OF SPOILER The animation and music are, in my opinion, average at best. I found the main characters more enjoyable in the beginning when they engaged in playful banter and embarked on their journey together. Overall, Onmyoji is slightly above average for me. While it doesn't really matter to me if another series is released, if it does come out, I'd be open to giving it a watch. 5.7/10


A fiú és a szürke gém (2023) 

angol I'm a fan of Mr. Miyazaki's work. There was a time when I absolutely loved all his creations and had to watch one of his films at least once a year. From 2009 to 2012, I went to great lengths to track down his short films, even those exclusive to the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka. I adore his animation style, storytelling prowess, and the profound messages woven into his films, not to mention the delightful humor. But what truly captured my heart was his unparalleled imagination, which always felt uniquely beautiful to me. Naturally, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to watch another "last" film by Mr. Miyazaki. It delivered exactly what I anticipated. The animation was mesmerizing, the music underscored the best moments beautifully, and the fantasy world depicted was as enchanting as ever. The humor landed well too, with its cute jokes and light situational comedy eliciting smiles at just the right moments. The story intrigued me, and I appreciated its thematic depth. However, there was a minor hiccup. While the relationship between the boy and the heron resonated with me and unfolded organically, I found the portrayal of the boy's family dynamics, particularly his evolving relationship with his stepmother, less convincing. The abrupt character transformation felt jarring, leaving me somewhat detached during a pivotal moment. Consequently, the film's overall impact fell short of truly moving me. Upon leaving the cinema, I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd witnessed something great but not quite unforgettable, something that wouldn't occupy my thoughts for hours on end. In summary, The Boy and the Heron earns an 8/10 from me. It largely met my expectations for another Miyazaki production, but it didn't quite reach the pinnacle of his filmography. It's unlikely to be the first, second, or even third film that springs to mind when I think of Hayao Miyazaki.


Oši no ko - Season 1 (2023) (évad) 

angol I don't like show business, which might have something to do with me having worked backstage for some time. While at university, I worked as a stagehand, which gave me the opportunity to be involved in various TV contests. It allowed me to get a pretty accurate idea of many of the celebrities as well as the whole entertainment industry, and the masks that are put on when the camera lights up or when someone truly important is watching. Just like anywhere else, it depends on the person. You get to meet amazing people who appreciate your hard work and never forget to personally thank you after their show. Or, when their show gets canceled, they buy you sandwiches and something to drink. However, there are many of those who look down on you, egomaniacs who use their influence to heal their own insecurities and feel entitled to judge everyone. The nice old lady on the screen turns out to be a greedy old woman, stuffing her handbag with things from the buffet when she thinks no one is looking. I don't like idol anime either because almost all the ones I’ve watched portrayed show business as an amazing sunlit path that always rewards those who try the hardest. Finding an idol-themed anime that even slightly touches on more serious issues or attempts to portray characters as real people rather than cheerful Duracell bunnies making their dreams come true is nearly impossible. Sure, there's Perfect Blue, which turns a potential problem into a horrifying experience. However, Oshi no Ko is the first show I’ve seen which offers a more comprehensive look at various issues, explaining that it's all about people who are each different, and even the idols, actors, and other celebrities are just people with their own problems. It shows everything from a broader perspective, while also presenting it in a way that is understandable, dramatic, and memorable. Of course, the way show business is portrayed here may not be exactly true to life. This perspective clearly caters to those who dislike show business and are prejudiced against it based on a few news stories. But if you want to tell the whole story, you have to show the dark side too. Just showing the good parts isn’t enough. If you do that, it'll be just another silly show about idols that nobody takes seriously. If you dare to show everything, the series might not be as cheerful and full of hope but show business isn't like that, life isn't like that! Things need to be shown from multiple angles. What is enchanting about the series is that it doesn't only deal with the issues of show business but also its consumers and the mutual synergy between them. Idiots and crazies are everywhere, not just among celebrities but also among their fans – we already know that from Perfect Blue, but even herd mentality or just one random "hero behind a keyboard" can be dangerous. This series hits home, you'll fall for it hook, line, and sinker, and it might even make you reflect on yourself for a moment. That’s how good it is! The characters are wonderfully fleshed out, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, sometimes struggling with insecurity, at other times knowing exactly what they need to do. Aqua is sometimes Jekyll, sometimes Hyde, and the way he’s portrayed is incredibly intense, enhanced by the color of the sparkle in his eye. It works so well that you're sometimes even afraid of the main character – it's like a theater in a series about an actor. The atmosphere and overall mood switch between extremes. One minute you're on the edge of your seat, next you’re laughing out loud, or intently listening to one of the characters' explanations about a certain aspect of show business. Everything works as it should. The show is enjoyable, and the characters are likable in all the right moments. The animation is also great. It may not be the best I've seen this season, but it's still an amazing sight. I wasn’t that impressed with the final concert, and, in terms of choreography, what Aqua did in the audience outshined the girls' entire performance. What to say about the music? The opening is making its way up the global charts, which is not typical for anime, and the rest of the music is also very good, including the concert. There isn't much to criticize here, at least not for me. Maybe it's because I don't like show business and idol anime, and this is nothing like your typical idol anime; it's a complex insight into the background of show business, which is also a psychological drama, and sometimes even a romantic comedy. My only quibble is that the series hasn't fully sold me on Ruby. Her backstory helps to create a good impression, but, given the fact that she is the second most important character, she is somewhat overshadowed by Kana. The same goes for Akane, although it's clear that her strong moments will come, probably in the announced second season. Nevertheless, such a minor issue couldn't possibly spoil the whole impression, which is almost perfect (I’m saying "almost" because I want to leave a little room in case the second season is even better). 9.5/10.


Az én démonom (2023) (sorozat) 

angol Let me start with what didn't quite hit the mark for me, something evident right from the trailer - My Daemon boasts a highly distinctive animation style that didn't quite resonate with my tastes. I'm not particularly fond of 3DCGI character models, a realm where Asian creators often struggle, especially during fast-paced action sequences or, worse yet, epic battles that end up feeling rather awkward. The character design, at times, felt clumsy and artificial, particularly during combat scenes, and occasional attempts at "dramatic" bullet-time slow motion only added to the disconnect. While there were some great shots, enhanced by vibrant colors, they were few and far between. Can you get used to this animation style? Perhaps, but I found myself grappling with it throughout, much like the unremarkable music that managed to evoke emotion only in isolated instances. However, it's a missed opportunity because the series boasts a richly crafted environment, with demon designs offering intriguing mutated variations of our current fauna. Despite its shortcomings, the story still managed to draw me in, though there were noticeable issues. For instance, the tenth and eleventh episodes felt disjointed, as if an entire episode was missing between them, and the finale escalated unnaturally quickly. Additionally, the sudden return of a character towards the end felt forced, merely to tie up loose ends. I could go on, but I already feel like I'm giving away too much. On the flip side, I appreciated the thematic depth and character portrayal, set against the backdrop of an intriguing post-apocalyptic world. It offered a compelling glimpse into the society's struggles and dilemmas. In summary, while the series has its strengths and weaknesses, it managed to captivate me enough to binge-watch it in a single day (or maybe because each episode has about 6 minutes worth of credits). Therefore, I'll settle on a 6/10 rating.