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ze sympózia Shifting Realities: Myths, Models & Morality - The Contingent Nature of Reality uspořádaného Newyorskou akademií věd v květnu 2010

Factunorm Principle aneb limity vědění

"Thus, what and how we do think is evidence for the principles of rationality, what and how we ought to think. This itself is a methodological principle of rationality; call it the Factunorm Principle. We are (implicitly) accepting the Factunorm Principle whenever we try to determine what or how we ought to think. For we must, in that very attempt, think. And unless we can think that what and how we do think there is correct and thus is evidence for what and how we ought to think we cannot determine what or how we ought to think."
Wertheimer 1974, pp. 110-11

Konec zlaté éry amerických televizních seriálů?

To fully explore the intricacies of what's at stake in any single one of these industry-reshaping eruptions would gobble up more hours than a marathon binge-watch of all five seasons of "Breaking Bad." But there's a crucial common thread: In every case, the economic model that currently underpins television (and bankrolls our amazing proliferation of high-quality productions) is under sustained assault. This is happening both from the bottom-up, as so-called cord-cutters seek an à la carte programming future; and from the top down, as telecom companies consolidate near-monopoly control of broadband. In the process, an inevitable transfer of power — from the content creators who make "Mad Men," "Game of Thrones" and "Justified," to the cable and satellite and telephone companies that distribute those TV shows — is underway.



Poslyš, víš, koho jsem potkal…?


Původní názvy známých filmů

Halloween was originally titled The Babysitter Murders
The Village was originally called The Woods
Unforgiven has the working title of The Cut-Whore Killings
2009's Star Trek had the original working title of Corporate Headquarters.
Not Another Teen Movie was originally called Ten Things I Hate About Clueless Road Trips When I Can't Hardly Wait to Be Kissed
The working title for Field of Dreams was Shoeless Joe
The original title for Annie Hall was It Had to Be Jew
Alien worked under the title Star Beasts
The original title for Psycho was Wimpy
The Dark Knight used the working title Rory's First Kiss to elude fanboys.
Likewise, The Return of the Jedi worked under the title Blue Harvest for the same reason.
Bring it On was originally titled, Jump.
Strangely, Cloverfield was originally called Cheese
Clockwork Orange was originally titled Chocolate Orange
Casablanca was originally called Everybody Comes to Rick's
Hitch was originally titled The Last First Kiss
Dogma was originally titled Bearclaw
Saturday Night Fever was originally called The Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night
Some Like It Hot was originally called Not Tonight Josephine
Scream was originally titled Scary Movie
Stepmom was originally titled Good Night Moon
Titanic was originally called The Ship of Dreams
Pretty Woman was originally called 3000
The hilariously accurate working title for American Pie was Teenage Sex Comedy That Can Be Made For Under $10 Million That Your Reader Will Love But The Executive Will Hate



GoT sociálních sítí


Jack Kerouac: “Belief & Technique for Modern Prose”

Kerouac byl sice asi trochu dick (možná je to u umělců frekventovanější rys…), ale tento soubor pokynů mi příde docela inspirativní, i když taky trochu "dickish".


1. Scribbled secret notebooks, and wild typewritten pages, for yr own joy
2. Submissive to everything, open, listening
3. Try never get drunk outside yr own house
4. Be in love with yr life
5. Something that you feel will find its own form
6. Be crazy dumbsaint of the mind
7. Blow as deep as you want to blow
8. Write what you want bottomless from bottom of the mind
9. The unspeakable visions of the individual
10. No time for poetry but exactly what is
11. Visionary tics shivering in the chest
12. In tranced fixation dreaming upon object before you
13. Remove literary, grammatical and syntactical inhibition
14. Like Proust be an old teahead of time
15. Telling the true story of the world in interior monolog
16. The jewel center of interest is the eye within the eye
17. Write in recollection and amazement for yourself
18. Work from pithy middle eye out, swimming in language sea
19. Accept loss forever
20. Believe in the holy contour of life
21. Struggle to sketch the flow that already exists intact in mind
22. Dont think of words when you stop but to see picture better
23. Keep track of every day the date emblazoned in yr morning
24. No fear or shame in the dignity of yr experience, language & knowledge
25. Write for the world to read and see yr exact pictures of it
26. Bookmovie is the movie in words, the visual American form
27. In praise of Character in the Bleak inhuman Loneliness
28. Composing wild, undisciplined, pure, coming in from under, crazier the better
29. You're a Genius all the time
30. Writer-Director of Earthly movies Sponsored & Angeled in Heaven

A chat with two "Joths" (Japanese goths)

Joth Girl: 手を繋ごう。魂で感じあうんだ。(Hand in hand. Soul in soul.)
Joth Boy: 暗黒の手。暗黒の魂。(Black hand. Black Soul.)
Together: 暗黒のハート。暗黒の愛。神はいない。俺とお前、それだけ。(Dark heart. Dark love. No God. Just me. Just you.)

(převzato z Vice Mag)

A chat with two "Joths" (Japanese goths)

Applications of Quantum Probability (rozhovor)

Straightforward classical logic obviously doesn't entirely capture human decision making. Yet it often seems as if something logical exists in our illogic. Wonderful fodder for the arts! Now it turns out, amazingly enough, that human illogic, from a perspective of quantum probability, sometimes may not be so illogical at all. And in certain categories of cases quantum probability provides much more robust predictive power regarding judgment than we can obtain from classical reasoning. Quantum analysis applied to cognition is a brand new field. A very small number of psychologists are doing the work so I feel rather lucky that I was able to talk with Dr. Emmanuel Pothos, a leading theoretician. Sub speciē aeternitātis.


Estetická zkušenost a mozek

"Certain artworks, albeit unfamiliar, may be so well-matched to an individual's unique makeup that they obtain access to the neural substrates concerned with the self—access which other external stimuli do not get," writes a research team led by Edward Vessel of New York University's Center for Brain Imaging.

Vessel and his colleagues have discovered that the default mode network—a web of brain regions that is active in periods of rest or rumination, but suppressed when we're actively dealing with the world—is stimulated when we encounter certain artworks that resonate with our sense of self.

This activation allows the poem, play, or painting "to interact with the neural processes related to the self, affect them, and possibly even be incorporated into them," the researchers write in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience. "This account is consistent with the modern notion that individuals' taste in art is linked with their sense of identity.


Poetry Center Digital Archive - audio archiv autorských čtení moderních básníků

Poetry Center Digital Archive makes available significant portions of early audio recordings from the Poetry Center's American Poetry Archives collection, supplemented by select archival texts and images. New files will be added incrementally as recordings are prepared and as we proceed through the collection from the 1950s onward.



Debata: Můžou počítačové hry být uměním?

Artists, gamers, designers, historians and critics answer the question that has become emblematic of the clash between technology and culture

In April, Chicago Sun-Times critic Roger Ebert posted a blog article entitled "Video games can never be art". Within minutes, the feeding frenzy began. Responses ranged from intellectual objections through to classic online flaming. Many angles were argued, but one viewpoint stood out: that you cannot analyse the art behind video games without having actually played them.

Then Ebert relented a little. In a follow-up piece entitled "OK, kids, play on my lawn", posted in July, he conceded that while his opinion had not changed, he had made his criticisms of video games without experiencing them for himself.

Now it is time to put the matter to people who do have personal experience of the medium. Here game designers, along with a mixed bag of art critics, journalists, academics and historians - all of them avowed gamers - tackle a question that is emblematic of the clash between technology and culture: can video games be art?



FILM Samuela Becketta

hraje Buster Keaton

Animating Sociology: Going Down to South Park

In this blog post, sociologist Jason Eastman illustrates how the animated television series South Park can serve as an effective and engaging sociological teaching tool, and he shares four episode-based exercises (each with printable worksheets) that instructors can use to teach the sociological concepts of inequality, socialization, theories of self, and reification. - See more at:


Bílý samuraj

"White Samurai," An Homage To Legendary Director Akira Kurosawa

Charles Huettner


Charles Huettner

I carry the Phallus of Tatsumi Hijikata in My Heart

Představení odkazující či navazující na dílo avantgardního choreografa Tatsumiho Hijikaty.

Pár postřehů z Japonska 4

neobvyklá reklama

Pár postřehů z Japonska 4

Pár postřehů z Japonska 3

safety first

Pár postřehů z Japonska 3

Pár postřehů z Japonska 2

V Japonsku se nenosí jen trička s Hello Kitty...

Pár postřehů z Japonska 2