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Recenziók (2 869)


John Wick: 4. felvonás (2023) 

angol As a full-fledged film with a meaningful and meaty plot, it's pretty lame, but as an fully devoted fanservice full of fantastic action sequences and eye candy gadgets, it delivers exactly what die-hard fans expect. Whether it's a passage from Japan, Berlin or Paris, all is world-class level, with amazing production design, lightning and, of course, the stunt work and the choreography of the fights. A superb Scott Adkins, a charismatic Donnie Yen and of course Reeves, who doesn't say much, but fights with all his heart.


Eleven hús (1997) 

angol A great example that you don't always need an elaborate script, phenomenal performances or a complex story, with a firm director’s hand, you can manage without other attributes. Almodóvar fully unleashes his typical palette of passion, emotions and explicit eroticism that will satisfy any viewer, even if the rest of the film isn't worth that much and some scenes are downright toe-curling with their theatrical overkill.


Gilbert Grape (1993) 

angol A film with a strong social dimension and scope, yet lacking in pace and rhythm as is usual with Hallström, especially in his early work. The film is dominated primarily by the performances of Depp and especially DiCaprio, which I wouldn't be afraid to consider one of his best ever.


A család kicsi kincse (2006) 

angol A similar "sensation" as, for example, Sideways. Meaning a slightly bitter in places, but mostly reliable comedy, where either love adventures or family troubles are dealt with. The filmmakers cannot be denied a flair for situational humour and solid dialogue, as well as well-drawn characters, mostly well acted. It’s nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary for the genre, but it delivers solid entertainment with one American redneck family.


Creed III (2023) 

angol Breathtakingly shot fights are not enough to make a good film. And in the case of Creed 3, this is doubly true. The initial enthusiasm for an interesting take on the boxing underdog Rocky was quite right, but if the second adventure was running half throttle despite all its potential in the form of Dolph Lundgren and Sly, the third one is just the fumes from which nothing much can be made. The last Creed thus remains a purposeless editing exhibition of contact fights and hip-hop bangers, while the dramatic line with the boys from the hood is lethargic and pulled out of thin air, and therefore has no chance of success.


A Gyűrűk Ura: A Hatalom Gyűrűi - Season 1 (2022) (évad) 

angol Giving it one star because it's currently trendy, that would be reminiscent of the Titanic days, which would certainly not be wise. However, I can understand the extreme indignation of die-hard fans of the saga, because the Lord of the Rings series is aesthetically quite impressive, and thanks to some nice cinematography and decent work with the music, it's a bit epic, but script-wise it's a mess, and when it comes down to it, The Rings of Power looks like a mix of Indy, Harry Potter and the Twilight saga. The acting and the casting are a failure. Technically, there is something to build on and work with in a second season, but in order for that not to be a fiasco, it will have to undergo a drastic overhaul and its creators will have to thoroughly redo a lot of things.


A Gyűrűk Ura: A Hatalom Gyűrűi - Ötvözet (2022) (epizód) 

angol One of the few episodes where something really happens. Some characters will finally get clear outlines and a supporting story framing, probably for a second season, if there is one. Of course, how and where the main plot around the evil lord takes off is questionable at best, but more likely ridiculous. A script with a Hercule Poirot-like reveal, all in the wanna be most epic and costly series of all time.


A Gyűrűk Ura: A Hatalom Gyűrűi - A Szem (2022) (epizód) 

angol Everything about the Dwarves is good, with the Hobbits is the traditional boredom and running around in circles, while in the calm, thanks to one pub bum, a new territory of evil is created and in case someone didn't get it, the creators obligatorily write it there at the end.


A Gyűrűk Ura: A Hatalom Gyűrűi - Udûn (2022) (epizód) 

angol If we ignore the fact that it actually revolves around one town, one village and one army, and thus doesn't have nearly the breadth and monstrous epicness of its cinematic predecessor, the sixth episode is quite fun. It's properly dark, there are a few elven perks and properly gritty fights that are quite decently edited and suspenseful. If the whole series was in this style, I would be satisfied.


A Gyűrűk Ura: A Hatalom Gyűrűi - Válaszutak (2022) (epizód) 

angol A showcase of breathtaking sets, impressive landscapes and solid music that seeks to build on the success of the films once again. In terms of characters, drama and plot development, it's still a bitterly hard slogging average.