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Legutóbbi recenziók (1 159)


On the Line (2021) 

angol What I would have liked as the main theme of the film serves here more as the impetus for a fight that is long but not particularly intense or (by Korean standards) rough. On the other hand, I would have preferred more depth to the issues, more from the experiences of the victim, and less of the gangster background. Yo-han was pretty good, though.


Igazi szerelem (2022) 

angol A romantic – let’s call it that – comedy that is very average and practically devoid of a concept. But with a nice and likable main couple. Whether that's enough is up to the viewer. I didn't mind it for one viewing, I won't likely find a reason for another.


Eogein Mai Laipeu (2022) (sorozat) 

angol For the most part I enjoyed the series, and for a long time I liked how the main character got away with everything he touched. But when he was suffering the first few slings and arrows, I started getting a little bored with the "one-man show". A lot of the characters that left an impression on me at first started losing their motivation and most of them just seemed to be waiting around for instructions. Their charisma – and many of them did indeed have it – completely fizzled out in the finale. And it's such a shame, because it had such a nice setup. Overall, I’d rate it pretty high, but the ending feels unfinished, and that bothers me. I mean... shouldn't the filmmakers have explained it to us just a bit more?

Utolsó értékelések (2 595)

Nálad vagy nálam? (2023)


Az elefántsuttogók (2022)


Ígéretes fiatal nő (2020)


Szerelem lábujjhegyen (2021)


Toszkána (2022)


Avatar: A víz útja (2022)


Tőrbe ejtve - Az üveghagyma (2022)


A ház lelke (2022)


Julestorm (2022) (sorozat)



Utolsó napló (52)

Kdo přežije 24 - Jeden svět
