Alejandra Vassallo

Alejandra Vassallo


Alejandra Vassallo is a Historian and Fulbright Scholar from SUNY (State University of New York at Stony Brook) specializing in women’s history and the politics of gender, a translator from IES Lenguas Vivas Juan R. Fernández in Buenos Aires, and a dancer. She has published on feminism, politics in the 70s, gender in nation building, and the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, both in Argentina and abroad. Some of her publications are Entre el conflicto y la negociación. Los feminismos argentinos en los inicios del Consejo Nacional de Mujeres, in Historia de las mujeres en la Argentina (Taurus); Sin Dios y sin Jefe. Políticas de género en la revolución social a fines del siglo XIX in Historias de luchas, resistencias y representaciones (Edunt Editorial); ‘Las mujeres dicen basta’: movilización, política y orígenes del feminismo argentino en los’70 in Historia, Género y Política en los 70 (Feminaria); and Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, From Dictatorship to Democracy (Documenta 11 Hatje Cantz). She studies playwriting and script with Luisa Irene Ickowicz and worked as researcher and line producer in the documentary Tierras prohibidas. La historia de Cecilia Grierson, by Silvina Chague, about the life of the first woman physician in Argentina. Piedra libre is her first feature documentary film, co-written and co-directed with Pía Sicardi. Since 1998 she has studied Afro-dance in Buenos Aires with Isa Soares, Alberto Bonne, and Marcela Gayoso, and in San Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, with Mestre King (Raimundo Bispo dos Santos), Augusto Omolú, Rosángela Silvestre, and Edileusa Santos. She is one of the founders of Oduduwá Danza Afroamericana, a dance company that since 2001 invited by the Human Rights groups, creates massive choreographies for the annual March 24 rally for memory, justice, and truth.

Films To Festivals



Piedra Libre



Piedra Libre



Piedra Libre



Piedra Libre