Khleo Thomas

Khleo Thomas

szül. 1989.01.30 (35 éves)
Anchorage, Alaska, Egyesült Államok


At the age of 14, Khleo Thomas has already built an impressive resume in theater, TV and film. In 2003 he played Zero in HOLES with Sigourney Weaver and Jon Voight. Other big screen accomplishments include REVEREND DO WRONG AIN’T RIGHT, A MOMENT ON DOROTHY DANDRIDGE, and FRIDAY AFTER NEXT. Thomas made his show business debut in a McDonald’s commercial at the age of 3, and has stared in many more since then.

On the small screen, he has appeared on shows such as “City Guys,” “Family Law,” “Kids Say the Darndest Things” with Bill Cosby (which led to an “Oprah Winfrey Show” appearance at age 7) and “Wait Till You Have Kids.” He has also shined on the live stage in theatrical productions “Dinny & The Golden Millennium Seed,” “The Desperate Hours,” and “Call for Peace.”

Thomas often does his own stunts on set, can impersonate just about anyone and is mean competition in any skateboarding park. Thomas lives in Los Angeles with what he calls, “the perfect parents.”

Sony Pictures Classics

