Giles Gardner

Giles Gardner


Giles Gardner has worked in post-production for over twenty years, with broad experience in features and documentaries. He edited the documentary Winnie, directed by Pascale Lamche, which was awarded the Sundance World Documentary Grand Jury prize; Sarah Mani’s A Thousand Girls Like Me, which premiered at HotDocs and went on to receive numerous awards on the international festival circuit; Peter Webber’s Inna de Yard, which opened at the Tribeca Film Festival; Karen Stokkendal Poulsen’s On the Inside of a Military Dictatorship, which premiered at CPH:DOX; and Afsaneh Salari’s The Silhouettes, which received a special mention from the jury at Visions du Réel. Committed to nurturing new and emerging talents, he participates in the Greenhouse Film and Dok Incubator mentoring programs. A Cooler Climate is his directorial debut.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia





A Cooler Climate