Douglas Pipes

Douglas Pipes

szül. 1962


Douglas Pipes has worked with the band The Airborne Toxic Event, arranging 14 songs for them to perform with orchestras at three concerts. The first was with the Louisville Orchestra, the second with the Colorado Symphony and a more recent was with the Herb Alpert School of Music CalArts orchestra at the Gibson Amphitheater. Those songs are arranged for the orchestra to play with the band, keeping with The Airborne's alt-symphonic-rock sound.

Pipes has also worked with Ryan Gosling's band, Dead Man's Bones, co-writing an indie-pop piece for a Trick 'r Treat commercial.

Pipes has toured, played and written pop music and gets calls as a keyboardist and synth player to perform and record, along with his assistant who also tours with The Black Keys as its keyboardist.

Universal Pictures
